조명스위치에 2개 이상의 등이 연결되어 있을때 많은 혼란이 있는데 그 부분을 혼란스럽지 않게만
해줘도 좀더 새로운 디자인이 나올듯..
Traditional Korean Switches: "
Whenever a bit of tiny design draws inspiration from gigantic architecture, it almost never goes wrong – and almost certainly goes so very right. This is an example that’s completely lovely. A light switch that draws inspiration from traditional Korean architecture (and clothing!) These switches (for electricity) are capable of not only switching the lights on and off, they can deliver detailed info about the energy usage of the room they’re installed in via free web or smartphone applications.
Temperature sensors, imaging equipment, and more are available additions to the “nanogrid” structure. That’s what this switch is called, nanogrid. It’s won an award, (see below,) chosen due to its superiority in form, environmental friendliness, usability, and how well the product relates to consumer needs. Well done!
This project is a 2010 Korea Presidential Good Design Award winner!
Designers: Frostdale Co., Ltd.
Yanko Design
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