가구디자인할때 결합부를 아예 이처럼도 만들수 있구나..
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By Shawn Weiland. The chair disregards any superfluous or decorative elements for a purist formal language which insists on the materials and the form being directly related to its func- tional uses. Each element of the design looks at how to achieve the most out of the least. The functional attributes of the chair: ergonomics, durability and aesthetics play a vital role in morphogenesis, the creation of form. The angled sides of the seat wrap around the user, stabilizing and enclosing, morphing the chair and user into a single affect. The displaced veneer from where the metal penetrates becomes handles to move the chair as well and grips for the user when seated. The dual leg support on the back of the chair acts as lateral support, replacing any need for cross bracing. Using the minimalist philosophy of reduction to the point where there are no external signifiers, the user must project themselves into the design in order to discover with the chair, promulgating the emotive and experiential qualities that the design creates.
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