2010년 4월 7일 수요일

the emotion lab: moonwatch

감성제품이긴 한데 시간을 제대로 볼순 있을까?
암튼 달을 모티브로 한 시계컨셉은 좋아 보인다.


barcelona industrial design studio the emotion lab has just sent in images of their latest
project called 'moonwatch'. this design accessory establishes a relationship between the
moon cycle and a person’s emotional state. time is based on nature, thus, inviting people
to reflect upon and gain a closer understanding of their mood and daily life on earth.

the moon has been a guide and object of admiration and mysticism for thousands of
years. agriculture, fertility, tidal patterns, human behaviour and many other activities have
been linked to the different moon phases.

with 'moonwatch', a person is always able to determine exactly what phase the moon is in.
clouds, pollution or a general ignorance to the moon cycle are no longer an issue. with time
and observation, a person can find patterns which sync their behaviour to the different moon

'moonwatch' indicating time

'moonwatch' also indicates the time. users can switch between the two interfaces
through the push of the button. during the day, the time is indicated with a black
background and during the night the interface changes to white in order to improve

a small solar cell helps to charge the watch; another analogy which highlights
the relationship between sun and moon.

'moonwatch' indicating full moon


'moonwatch' indicating different moon phases

process sketches

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