2010년 3월 31일 수요일

silke hilsing: impress flexible display

Flexible센서를 이용하고 알듀이노 프로세싱을 활용한 작품
이런식으로 바리솔 같은 소재를 활용하면 저런식으로 응용도 가능하겠구나.

image: silke hilsing

impress is a flexible display created by german designer silke hilsing that enables touch interactivity with
feedback. the display uses arduino and processing to run sensors sandwiched in between pieces of foam.
when the user touches down on the foam, they trigger the sensors which in turn communicate with an
overhead projector. the motivation behind the project was to remove the technical stiffness from touch
screens, bring the technology closer to the user by making it more human. unlike a regular touch screen,
impress also measures the intensity of the pressure. the user can pres slightly for a small reaction or press
down firmly to trigger more intense reactions. hilsing also laid out four scenarios for the screen including
3D modeling, 3D galleries, music creation and news reading.


image: silke hilsing

image: silke hilsing

image: silke hilsing

image: silke hilsing

image: silke hilsing

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