2010년 3월 31일 수요일

kinzo: maygreen interior

숍 인테리어 같은데엔 이렇게 해도 멋지겠는걸..
전선 라인을 천정위로 숨기는게 아니라 마치 PCB기판처럼 천정에 배치만 잘 해놔도 아트가 되는구나 ㅎ

'maygreen' retail interior

the 'maygreen' interior has been designed by berlin-based design trio kinzo. the core of
the interior design consists of a light installation akin to a computer chip, a giant grass
hopper solely composed of green light, and polygonal furniture that seems to float like
icebergs on the dark oak floor.

'maygreen' retail interior

'maygreen' retail interior

'maygreen' retail interior

detail of polygonal furniture

ceiling mounted light installation

the ceiling-mounted lamps, also created by kinzo, were specially manufactured
for this project by idee.design.licht, the german specialist in individual lighting


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