2010년 3월 24일 수요일

가구공모전 아이디어

이정도 비쥬얼에 이런거 응용해서 쇼파 같은거 하면 뭐하나 탈거 같다. ㅎㅎ

I couldn’t stop thinking “Una-Mug” when I first saw this project. That’s not the name at all! It’s called “Umarmung,” and it’s basically a floor-level-chair. Sort of defeats the purpose, yes? No way! This project is inspired by the ancient tradition of floor-sitting culture in Japan. During research, the designers were surprised to find that the only similar product to theirs was the zaisu chair (legless chair) of the tatami room.

It’s important to mention that the designers keep the idea that in this tradition, the connection between the body during conversation is not restricted to “universal seat height and conventional definition of the sofa.” You couch potatoes pay attention!

Umarmung, also known as the floor-sitting couch, is basically a backrest that supports the body in many comfortable positions while that person is sitting on the floor. Umarmung is shaped in a way that accepts the body either sitting up or leaning back. Made of reinforced polyester resin with steel support. Cover is eco-friendly flame-retardant polyurethane foam.

BONUS: “The process adopts the latest variable pressure foaming (VPF) technology. It minimizes the environmental impact as it is virtually emissions-free.”

Designer: Cheungvogl

Umarmung floor sofa by Cheungvogl




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