2010년 3월 8일 월요일

Core77 + Aava Mobile Design Invitational: The Results are In!

스케치 느낌 참 좋네~

근데.. http://www.aavamobile.com/
여기 사이트 링크해서 들어가보니 새로운 컨셉을 가진 핸드폰이네..
세계최초의 오픈 모바일 디바이스라...


Core77 is proud to announce our collaboration with AAVA Mobile, an innovative Smartphone design company founded in Oulo, Finland in 2009, and Rocket Science, a marketing firm based in San Francisco, Boston and Helsinki. Together, we produced a design invitational that challenged five candidates to dream up innovative connectivity scenarios for Aava's forthcoming mobile phone— when released, this device will be the world's smallest "mobile mini-computer," with a fully open-source mobile platform to boot.

The candidates were selected by pouring over thousands of outstanding Coroflot portfolios. We were searching for the dream team: each participant exhibited highly inventive thinking, especially in the realm of consumer electronics, and some serious sketching skills. Our final list: Roberta Cavalcanti de Albuquerque from Rio de Janeiro; Michael DiTullo from Boston, MA; Anh Nguyen from San Francisco, CA; Daniele Pesaresi from Milan, Italy, and Thomas Valcke from Oudenaarde, Belgium.


Pico Projector by Mike DiTullo

Five sketches were required of each designer; the full set of twenty-five were then presented at the Mobile World Congress and received with great enthusiasm by AAVA's technology partners. Of these concepts, Aava felt that the pico-projector, an idea proposed by several of the candidates, was the most feasible for immediate development. From Aava:

In terms of the device concepts that we are likely to pursue further, the most popular design concept is the attachable pico-projector idea. Both Aava Mobile and our technology partners see an immediate audience for such a device and the concept is clearly manufacturable. The second design that is very compelling is the portable computer dock with laser-projected keypad. Again, we can envision an immediate market for this device and the mechanics are very achievable. The third design that merits close attention is the media center concept. We also received a warm reception for concepts around medical equipment, and there are several companies currently looking for designs and partners in this space.

All designers created stellar visions of a highly connective, highly powerful, diverse ecosystem for the AAVA device. We encourage you to click through to get a close look at all the concepts. For more on AAVA, keep an eye on their website.


Laser Keyboard by Thomas Valcke


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