2009년 10월 5일 월요일


코르크 마개를 대체할 와인마개의 새로운 제품.


the zork is a new alternative to the classic cork for sealing wine bottles. since cork is becoming more rare,
winemakers have been searching for a new method of sealing their products. in recent years there have
been wines sealed using screw tops, synthetic corks and now zork. the design combines the ease of use
found in screw tops with the pop and resealing ability of a natural cork. the open a zork sealed wine,
the user peels off the bottom part of the cap and then simply lifts the top part off. the cap can be reused after
popping to preserve the wine and never requires a corkscrew or other special tool. the zork comes in a still
wine version and sparkling.


댓글 2개:

  1. this is one of my favorites - thank you

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