2010년 1월 20일 수요일

PEGA: unfold wall stickers

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특징만을 잘표현한 메인 이미지도 맘에들고... 색감도..

PEGA has released a new line of 'wall stickers' that blur the line between decoration and function.
the unfold series features a number of different designs that adhere to a wall. these designs each unfold
to serve a specific function and aim to explore designing electronic appliances from a decorative perspective. the functions of the wall stickers included a lamp, a radio and a scent diffuser. each sticker
is designed using influences from classic origami, revealing its function when unfolded. the scent
diffuser looks like a perfume bottle, while the radio is styled like an old gramophone. there is also
a table lamp named panto, because it plays a pantomime between the lamp itself and its shadow.
pulling the lampshade open or closed controls the light.


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