2010년 1월 20일 수요일

Book Pills

책꽂이 아이디어 쉬운거 같으면서도 어려운데 이건 잘 풀어냈네..

So you’ve got all the book shelves, yes? I bet you don’t have a stack of pill-shaped bookshelves. Take a peek at this stack of shelves right here. Made of flexible inner materials (aluminum or iron) and a little bit more flexible material (rubber or sponge), plus the outer shell of plastic. That’s a recipe for a good time. A good time with amazing bookshelves.

The rad part of these shelves is the flexible materials on the inside – they allow for an adjustable bookend or bookends! You can move em all around the outsides or put them right in the middle.

Made for only the most advanced pop or mod households.

Or music label offices of course.

Designer: Je Sung Park

Round Book Shelves by Je Sung Park



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