2011년 1월 28일 금요일
아이들 창의력을 높여주는 창의적 장난감
2011년 1월 18일 화요일
Arduino - 디지털 세상과 실제 세상의 연결
위의 동영상에서는 Arduino의 개발 과정, 디지털과 실제를 연결하는 작은 하드웨어를 소개합니다.
Grasshopper용 무료 플러그인 FireFly로 Rhino와 Grasshopper에 Arduino를 연결할 수 있습니다.
Grasshopper 개발자 David Rutten 인터뷰
이탈리아 커뮤니티 MixExperience에서 발간하는 온라인 매거진인 tools numero 1에 David Rutten씨와의 인터뷰가 실렸습니다. 잡지 28쪽에 나온 그의 인터뷰에는 Grasshopper의 개발 과정과 의도에 대한 이야기가 소개되었습니다.
2011년 1월 10일 월요일
Dvd-player by Andrey Vostrikov
Andrey Vostrikov has designed DVD player which can be mounted on the wall or just be table top device. It is equipped with DVD slot loading mechanism and the control panel with touch-sensitive buttons with backlit. Andrey Vostrikov is designer from Russia who has broad experience designing projects in the field of household appliances, electronics, medicine and others. Has been working for example for Polaris, AutoAudioCenter and othe companies.
Chemically Powered to Charge
The Eco Power Strip is an alternate energy production source that bypasses traditional oil and the new-age hydrogen alternatives. Electricity is produced by electrolysis – the combination of oxygen with hydrogen in bio-ethanol (DEFC: Direct-ethanol fuel cells); using energy without carbonic acid gas. The tech is viable but will we ever see this in practical applications?
Designers: Jun Hyuck Choi, Jooyeon Kim & Sungi Kim
Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
2011년 1월 7일 금요일
아이팟 터치을 좀더 길게 만들면 했던 바램, "인텔의 MID 향후 플랫폼 무어스타운 프로토타입"을 통해서 보다.
가장 큰 특징은 45나노 프로세서에 그래픽, 메모리 컨트롤러, 비디오 인코딩/디코딩 기능을 하나의 칩에 통합되어 있다는 것입니다. 하나의 칩에 컴퓨터의 주요 기능들을 모두 담고 있어, 제품 자체의 휴대성이 높아짐과 동시에 전력관리 능력도 상당히 높습니다.
동영상을 통해 인텔의 모바일 인터넷 디바이스의 플랫폼 무어스타운을 한번 구경해 보세요. ^^
This is videos describing possible usages for Mobile Internet Devices based on Intel's next generation mobile internet platform.
이 동영상을 보면서 떠오르는 것은 일주일동안 사용하고 있는 아이팟 터치입니다.
아아팟 터치를 사용하면서 느낀 점 중에 몇가지 답답하다고 생각된 부분이 있었는데 이 동영상으로 말끔히 해결되니 말입니다.
1. 가상 키패드를 활성화 시키면 상단의 영역이 상당히 좁아집니다.
2. 달력을 활성화 시켰을때 달력 아래쪽 이벤트 영역이 상당히 좁다는 점
물론 아직 프로토타입이고 거꾸로 이 동영상을 통해서 단점도 보일수 있겠지만 단 한가지 이 동영상을 통해 시원하다고 느껴지는 부분이 바로 와이드스크린입니다. 아이폰, 아이팟 터치보다도 훨씬 더 넓은 화면을 가지고 있으니까요!
**** 대략 사이즈를 알수 있는 사진이 있어서 추가로 업데이트 합니다. 아이폰보다 대략 1.5배 정도 길어 보이네요 ^^
너무 길어서 부러질까 걱정되는 것 빼고는 사용성이 상당히 좋아 보이지 않나요? 앞으로 몇년안에 터치 기술을 바탕으로 아이폰을 시작으로 여러 디바이스들이 나타날 것입니다. 동영상에서 보듯이 이런 디자인도 있을 것이고 또 누군가에 의해 기발한 UI 구조를 가진 뛰어난 디바이스가 나올 것입니다. 100년 전에는 상상도 할수 없었던 이런 디지탈 시대를 경험하고 있는데 또 100년 후에는 어떤 모습을 인류는 살아갈까요 ? ^^
One Ring to Peel Them All
One can never have too many peelers because none are created equal. The Companion Ring Peeler slips onto the index finger. The outer ring peels the skin as you drag it across an apple. Will this form be good enough for tough skin fruits and veggies? Doubt it, but it looks like a practical companion for picnics and traveling. Will I buy one? totally!
Designers: Qing Ji and JiaYue Wu
Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
iPhone Serpent Round My Neck
The Vyne is quite an elaborate iPhone Stand, in fact I think its one of the most obvious ones I’ve seen. It has a flexible strap that coils into various forms… going round your neck like a snake charmer’s serpent to sitting pretty on your desk. The flexible elastomer neck and plastic clip secure your phone into place. Good for when you want to watch some videos on the phone. However, mind your step while walking around with it!
Designer: Clint Spencer & Ryan Eder
Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
CES 2011 Part 1
I’m as giddy as a school girl at CES because I’m literally going to be living in the future for the next few days. The annual Consumer Electronics Show has so many products to offer that I’ll just play curator. Hit the jump!
Exhibition: CES 2011 Part 1
GOBIZ i-Microphone is so small you might miss it at CES but good things come in small packages. This little doohickey packs some powerful mic tech and records 12dB louder. Perfect for mobile devices like the iPhone for recording lectures or on-the-fly interviews. Also compatible with pretty much anything with a 3.5mm jack.
Microsoft unveiled Surface 2.0, their smart table that takes touch interaction to a new level. What’s new? Pixel Sense, the ability to recognize almost anything touching the surface right down to the pixel. Amazing to put a business card down and watch the “surface” instantly digitize.
The Microsoft Touch Mouse is basically an Apple Magic Mouse. The entire surface is devoid of buttons and is covered in a matrix of capacitive touch-sensing electrodes. The new mouse supports gestures including a few new tricks like pinch-and-zoom. Available this June for $79.95.
Asus Eee Pad Transformer won’t come to life and demand energon but it does come with a removable full size keyboard. The tablet runs Android 3.0 Honeycomb which is Android mobile optimized for tablets. 32GB SSD, 1GB memory, Tegra 2 processor, 2 camera video cameras, 16 hour battery life, and a partridge in a pear tree.
I’m an avid Nike+ user but having my iPhone strapped to my arm while running makes me feel like a total douchebag. The Nike+ SportWatch replicates all the functions of traditionally pairing a shoe sensor with an iPhone into a sleek watch but with the added benefit of GPS thanks to TomTom so you can actually map your runs.
If Sony had a VOGUE cover it would read “Thin is In and 3D wins.” The company’s industrial design prowess is clearly on display with a total of 27 TVs making their way to the market. The gorgeous ones share Sony’s Monolithic design language with minimal buttons, sharp angles and all draped in the color black. The new sets feature Gorilla Glass, backlight LED tech, remote apps that can be downloaded on iPhones and Android devices, and a whole host of internet connectivity.
It can be hard to differentiate yourself in the pocket cam market but Casio has managed to do so with the Tryx. The entire camera swivels and rotates inside a body frame doubling as a stand which could make for some interesting shots. The touch screen has the usual goodies like touch focus but the lens is some kind of magic. The tiny 12.1MP SMOS sensor shoots 1080p video inside a wide 21mm lens. THANK YOU Casio! Available this April for $250.
Apple announced 3rd party accessory support in 2009 but I haven’t really seen many compelling products since. The iHealth Blood Pressure dock saves me a trip to the pharmacy by letting me check my blood pressure in the comfort of my home. The accompanying app is quite beautiful and easy to use too.
Lenovo intends to keep the “World’s Thinnest Desktops” award they’ll probably do so thanks to the IdeaCentre A320. The specs aren’t anything to write home about but the design is quite nice if not a bit contrived. Available this June for $700.
Android 3.0 Honeycomb running on T-Mobiles new G-Slate tablet. Big UI improvements for Android but there’s something still too geeky underneath it all. I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel as inviting to use.
Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!