2010년 8월 30일 월요일

Whoa! Men To Pee and Wash In The Same Stand!

이런제품은 형태만 좀 가다듬어서 바로 제품 출시해도 통할듯..


굳 아이디어..


I’m not a man so I really don’t know how comfortable you guys are going to be with this thought…peeing and washing hands in the same urinal stand! What Designer Yeongwoo Kim has done is incorporated the wash basin just above the spot you take aim to pee. The reason cited is that you’ll save a water flush cycle, coz when you rinse your hand after the job (I hope you guys do that!), the same gray water can be used to cleanse the urinal basin. Tell me, how many of you guys will be comfortable with this? For once, my opinion doesn’t count, but I do find it funny!

Eco Urinal is an iF Concept Design 2010 winning entry!

Designer: Yeongwoo Kim


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